Coronavirus ( CoVID-19) Crisis

We are all facing huge challenges in the grip of COVID 19 crisis. For many of us, the lockdown or social distancing is restrictive and stressful but, more importantly, it is saving lives.

However, in the midst of the on-going pandemic, social distancing is a luxury that India’s workforce of 450 million cannot afford. With the government lockdown order and inadequate state provisions for food distribution, thousands of families are sleeping hungry, in their homes in villages and cities, stranded at railway stations or state borders. With the lockdown suspending all forms of work for three weeks, India’s poorest from some of the country’s most underdeveloped regions now face hunger, deprivation and even starvation let alone the threat of COVID 19.

With very little savings and a poor social security net, families in rural India are having fewer meals, borrowing money and braving the threat of police violence in order to go out and work to support their families, just to survive.

The UK Gurdwara Shahid Asthan committee members worked closely with the Committee in India, identifying the needs of the poorest families in Nawa Quilla in Shakot and collected donations from generous friends and families to support these families during lockdown. We raised £2250 in the UK and a further 30000 rupees from the Nawan Quilla community, which will ensure the distribution of basic staples such as wheat flour, rice and lentils, pulses to those who desperately need food, particularly the elderly and children in the village. This was phase 1 of our charity support  which helped around 100 families  and phase 2 continues with the collection of donations.